How to Get a Job Using Social Media

How to Get a Job Using Social Media - BDH Collective - Creative agency - marketing - public relationMontreal - Toronto

The days of handing over of resume and filling out an application are over. These days, you need to create the best possible picture of yourself for every hiring manager or potential client you want to impress. This involves using your social media platforms effectively. Learning how to get a job using social media is an important skill for this modern world.

Separate Personal and Professional

Most people have social media platforms linked to their family and friends, where they share memes and photos of the latest party or the awards their children received in school. The last thing you want to do when attempting to get a job or attract a new client is to share this kind of personal information with them. Even companies that support family values should not see videos of your cat playing or snapshots of your spouse on vacation. Maintain professional profiles, but do not be afraid to inject a bit of personality.

Use the Right Social Media Platforms

One of the best ways to maintain distance between personal and professional platforms is to use different ones for different purposes. For example, LinkedIn is, by far, the most professional social media platform today that can help you get a job online. In contrast, unless you are a creative freelancer or so-called influencer, Instagram will probably not help you get hired.

Focus on Natural Interaction

In large part, the entire purpose of social media focuses on interaction. Today, people looking to hire professionals for a salaried position or on a freelance basis want to forge a relationship and have a conversation before they open their wallets. Always expect that the hiring managers or individuals who want the type of services you can provide will contact you with questions or comments. Interact naturally and professionally with everyone, just in case.

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