What to Do When the Client Doesn’t Like Your Delivery

What to Do When the Client Doesn’t Like Your Delivery - BDH Collective - Creative agency - marketing - public relationMontreal - Toronto

One unfortunate truth of any freelance career is the fact that you will occasionally come across a client who does not like what you deliver to them. This type of dissatisfied customer can cause considerable damage to your business as a whole if they start spreading negative reviews or testimonials across the Internet. Luckily, you can stop this from happening with the proper response.

Respond Quickly and Professionally

Any delay in communication or an offer to fix the problem will give the client an opportunity to start writing negative reviews and spreading their complaints across social media. If you want to prevent negative fallout, you need to act quickly and professionally, no matter what.

The ability to do this depends largely on your clients’ understanding that they can approach you with complaints and requests for changes. In every communication, you should tell them that you welcome questions and concerns.

Fully Understand What the Client Does Not Like

Not only does understanding tell you what you need to know to fix the problem, but it also demonstrates quality customer care to the dissatisfied client. Always listen to or read their complaints fully, repeat the information back to them in your own words to ensure that you know what they are talking about, and ask additional questions about what they wanted or their vision for the final creative project.

Work Together to Find Solutions

Finally, use your professional communication skills to work directly with the client to come up with a solution to their problem. This type of customer service can transform a potentially negative review into a positive one that can help you get more work in the future. During this step of the process, it is important to remember that the old adage of “the customer is always right” does not extend to them asking for large amounts of free work or things that you cannot provide. It is your task to find a way of satisfying them without risking your profits.

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