A fundamental core value of BDH Collective Inc. is to treat all persons with respect and dignity. BDH Collective Inc. values people and recognizes the strengths we achieve by promoting diversity and inclusion in all our activities and functions with volunteers, staff and community institutions.
BDH Collective Inc. will never discriminate in the provision of services, employment practices or engagement of volunteers on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, familial status, national origin, ancestry, sex, mental disability, learning disability, lawful source of income, sexual orientation or physical disability, including but not limited to, blindness or deafness.
With regard to employment practices and engagement of volunteers, BDH Collective and our clients cannot discriminate in their business practices by refusing a qualified candidate for either a paid or volunteer position because of a predetermined group characteristic.
A fundamental core value of BDH Collective Inc. is to treat all persons with respect and dignity. BDH Collective Inc. values people and recognizes the strengths we achieve by promoting diversity and inclusion in all our activities and functions with volunteers, staff and community institutions.
BDH Collective Inc. will never discriminate in the provision of services, employment practices or engagement of volunteers on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age, marital status, familial status, national origin, ancestry, sex, mental disability, learning disability, lawful source of income, sexual orientation or physical disability, including but not limited to, blindness or deafness.
With regard to employment practices and engagement of volunteers, BDH Collective and our clients cannot discriminate in their business practices by refusing a qualified candidate for either a paid or volunteer position because of a predetermined group characteristic.
Inquiries by the media in relation to BDH Collective and our projects must be handled according to these policies:
- All inquiries should first be referred to the CEO, Bernardson Louis-Jean (the “Spokesperson”).
- As the company’s chief, the Spokesperson will respond directly to media inquiries or designate another party or a media-relations official to serve as spokesperson.
- The Spokesperson will direct the process by which a response is determined or a position taken.
- BDH Collective inc. aims to use media inquiries and associated services as a means to make communications about the company more efficient and effective, and to share appropriate information about vendors, clients, business practices, corporate social responsibility and new products and services.
- Agency members that receive media inquiries related to a project must first inform their project manager about the inquiry and obtain guidance from BDH Collective prior to responding to media representative.
- Agency members must maintain a proper spirit and tone when communicating with the media. This policy covers all forms of responses to the media, including “off the record” and anonymous statements.
BDH Collective Inc. will conduct business honestly and ethically wherever we operate. We strive to constantly improve the quality of our services, products, and operations in order to uphold our reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust and sound business judgment. We never tolerate illegal or unethical conduct on the part of our directors, employees or agency members. BDH Collective Inc. will never compromise these principles for short or long-term advantage. The ethical status of this company is the sum of the ethical actions of the men and women who work with BDH Collective. Thus, all members must adhere to high standards of personal integrity. Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of the company must never permit their personal interests to conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of the company, our clients or affiliates.
Directors, freelancers, employees and agency members must be particularly careful to avoid representing BDH Collective Inc. in any transaction with others where there is any outside business affiliation or relationship. Directors, specialists, employees and agency members shall avoid using their company contacts to advance their private business or personal interests at the expense of BDH Collective, its clients or affiliates. No bribes, kickbacks or other similar remuneration or consideration shall be given to any person or organization in order to attract or influence business activity.
Directors, specialists, employees and agency members shall not accept or give gifts, gratuities, fees, bonuses or excessive entertainment, in order to attract or influence business activity. Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. will often come into contact with, or have possession of, proprietary, confidential or business-sensitive information; all members must take appropriate steps to assure that such information is strictly safeguarded. This information—whether it is on behalf of our company or any of our clients or affiliates—could include, but is not limited to, strategic business plans, operating results, marketing strategies, customer lists, personnel records, upcoming acquisitions and divestitures, new investments, manufacturing costs, processes, products and services. Proprietary, confidential and sensitive business information about BDH Collective, other companies, clients, individuals and entities should be treated with sensitivity and discretion and only be disseminated on a need-to-know basis. If ever in doubt, directors, specialists, employees and agency members should contact BDH Collective to receive guidance on how to uphold confidentiality. Insider trading is against the law. By working on a project, employees and members of the BDH Collective agency must understand that they may acquire insider knowledge that could provide an unfair advantage concerning investment decisions. The following guidelines should be followed in dealing with inside information:
- Until the client/contract company releases the information to the public, members of our agency and our employees must not disclose this information to anyone except those within the company whose positions require use of the information.
- Members of our agency and our employees must not buy or sell the client’s/contract company’s securities when they have knowledge of information concerning the company until it has been disclosed to the public and the public has had sufficient time to absorb the information.
- Members of our agency and our employees shall not buy or sell another corporation’s securities if they are aware that these securities’ value is likely to be affected by an action made by our clients/contract companies, and where that action has not been publicly disclosed yet.
Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. must report all information accurately and honestly, and as otherwise required by applicable reporting requirements. Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. will refrain from gathering competitor intelligence by illegitimate means and refrain from acting on knowledge which has been gathered in such a manner. Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. will seek to avoid exaggerating or making disparaging comparisons of the services and competence of competitors.
Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. will comply with all Equal Employment Opportunity laws and act with respect and responsibility towards others in all of their dealings.
Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. will remain personally balanced so that their personal life will not interfere with their ability to deliver quality products or services to the company and its clients.
Directors, specialists, employees and agency members of BDH Collective Inc. agree to disclose unethical, dishonest, fraudulent and illegal behavior, or the violation of company policies and procedures, directly to management. Upper management will seek guidance in how best to handle cases of whistleblowing and the security of anonymous disclosures.
Violation of this Code of Ethics can result in the termination of a contract. The degree of discipline relates in part to whether there was a voluntary disclosure of any ethical violation and whether or not the violator will cooperate in any subsequent investigation.
Always remember that good ethics is essential for great business!
Providing safe conditions and protecting the well-being of our clients, employees and agency members is of top concern. BDH Collective strives to ensure safe working conditions for our agency members and employees.
BDH Collective will not knowingly permit unsafe working conditions to exist, nor will it permit agency members or employees to partake in unsafe acts.
- Agency members: Freelancers and contract professionals
Since agency members working on a project are frequently more aware of unsafe conditions than anyone else, we encourage them to make recommendations, suggestions, and criticisms of unsafe conditions to their project manager so that they will be corrected.
- Project Managers
Project managers are responsible to report unsafe conditions within their project. A project manager should remain vigilant of dangerous and unsafe conditions so that he/she may recommend corrective action, identify agency members who habitually create or indulge in unsafe practices, assess new or altered situations for inherent dangers, and follow up on recommendations, notices, and suggestions for corrective action so that unsafe conditions are not instituted or permitted to exist.
For large outdoor events: The committee will specify procedures and actions to be taken in the event of fires, security and other emergencies. Decisions and recommendations will be communicated via the departmental team meetings.
Agency members must report immediately all occupational illnesses or injuries to their project manager—no matter how minor-—and complete an occupational illness or injury form.
BDH Collective Inc. will only provide prospective employers with references regarding former agency members or employees who have worked for the company within the past three years.
BDH Collective Inc. will only provide prospective employers with the dates of employment, final job position and final salary of a former specialist or employee. All references are to be given by the Human Resources department only.
If the former agency member or employee needs to provide a prospective employer with additional information by way of reference, the agency member or employee must send that request in writing.
- Be creative and innovative! Our company is willing to listen to any suggestions or ideas you have that would increase the quality and value of our products or services.
- Follow the Golden Rule! Act with respect and be accountable towards those around you.
- Understand that all relationships require trust, direction, communication and commitment to success.
- Keep yourself healthy, focused and alert at all times.
- Never be afraid to admit mistakes. It is better to admit that you made a mistake, realize why you made the mistake, and then make sure you learn from it so that you avoid the same problem in the future.
- Never be afraid to say “I don’t know.” It is better to admit ignorance and learn from colleagues than to pass on, or rely on, false information that may be damaging to your work and BDH Collective.
- Don’t talk behind people’s back; be transparent. When you work with us, we expect your loyalty and best efforts. You should expect ours in return. If you dislike your project manager, your project or BDH Collective, let us know what is bothering you and we will try to work it out.
- Embrace the value of the diversity of our agency members and customers.
- Dress correctly for the occasion. Wear clothes that will make other people feel comfortable and that reflect your value to the project.
- Never harass, discriminate, use profanity or tell off-color jokes.
- Be honest and trustworthy. Follow our Code of Ethics.
- Be creative and innovative! Our company is willing to listen to any suggestions or ideas you have that would increase the quality and value of our products or services.
- Follow the Golden Rule! Act with respect and be accountable towards those around you.
- Understand that all relationships require trust, direction, communication and commitment to success.
- Keep yourself healthy, focused and alert at all times.
- Never be afraid to admit mistakes. It is better to admit that you made a mistake, realize why you made the mistake, and then make sure you learn from it so that you avoid the same problem in the future.
- Never be afraid to say “I don’t know.” It is better to admit ignorance and learn from colleagues than to pass on, or rely on, false information that may be damaging to your work and BDH Collective.
- Don’t talk behind people’s back; be transparent. When you work with us, we expect your loyalty and best efforts. You should expect ours in return. If you dislike your project manager, your project or BDH Collective, let us know what is bothering you and we will try to work it out.
- Embrace the value of the diversity of our agency members and customers.
- Dress correctly for the occasion. Wear clothes that will make other people feel comfortable and that reflect your value to the project.
- Never harass, discriminate, use profanity or tell off-color jokes.
- Be honest and trustworthy. Follow our Code of Ethics.
All agency members and employees who use BDH Collective’ email system are required to comply with these policies:
The BDH Collective email system is to be used solely for business purposes of the Company, and not for personal use.
- All information and messages that are created, sent, received or stored on the Company’s email system are the sole property of BDH Collective.
- All email is subject to the right of the Company to monitor, access, read, disclose and use such email without prior notice to the originators and recipients of such email. Email may be monitored and read by authorized personnel of the Company for any violations of law, breaches of Company policies, communications harmful to the Company, or for any other reason.
- Emails may not contain statements or content that are libelous, offensive, harassing, illegal, derogatory, or discriminatory. Foul, inappropriate or offensive messages such as racial, sexual, or religious slurs or jokes are prohibited. Sexually explicit messages or images, cartoons or jokes are prohibited.
- The email system is only to be used by authorized persons, and an agency member or an employee must have been issued an email password in order to use the system. Agency members and employees shall not disclose their codes or passwords to others and may not use someone else’s code or password without express written authorization from the Company.
- Email communications should not be assumed to be private and security cannot be guaranteed. Never send highly confidential or sensitive information by email.
- Agency members and employees may not, without the Company’s express written authorization, transmit trade secrets or other confidential, private or proprietary information or materials through email.
- Agency members and employees must be mindful when composing email. Understand that deleted messages may still exist as a printed version, be retrieved from a back-up system, or may have been forwarded to someone else. Please note that appropriate electronic messages may need to be saved. The Company may be required to produce email in litigation.
- Any files downloaded from email received from non-Company sources must be scanned for viruses and/or malware. Report immediately any suspected viruses, tampering or system problems to upper management (also provide this information to contact@backup-bdh).
Violations of this policy or other company policies may result in discipline, suspension and even termination of contract.
We strive to protect your personal or business information. Your privacy is as important to us as it is to you. We use the necessary safeguards needed to protect information you share with us. BDH Collective Inc. follows several protocols in accordance with worldwide practices for customer privacy and data protection.
- We never sell or give away your name, mailing address, phone number, email address or any other information to anyone.
- We use state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information from unauthorized users.
We will inform you when we need to use information that personally identifies you or is required for us to contact you. Generally, we request personal information when you join our email mailing list, submit an application to join our agency, or request a project. We use your personal information for four primary purposes:
- To make it easier for you to communicate with us by not having to inform us of your personal information more than once.
- To help you quickly find services or information.
- To help us share content most relevant to you.
- To alert you to product upgrades, special offers, updated information and other new services from BDH Collective Inc.
BDH Collective Inc. has taken strong measures to protect the security of your personal information and to ensure that we honor your choices for its intended use. We adopt strong precautions to protect your data from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or destruction.
Your personal information is never shared outside the company without your permission. Inside the company, data is stored in password-controlled servers with limited access. Your information may be stored and processed in Canada or any other country where BDH Collective Inc., its subsidiaries, affiliates or agents are located.
We want to help you guard your children’s privacy and safety. The BDH Collective Inc. website does not publish advertisements that target children. We ask for parental consent for the collection of children’s personal information online (ages 12 and under).
If for some reason you believe BDH Collective Inc. has not adhered to these principles, please notify us by email at contact@backup-bdh, and we will do our best to assess and correct the problem promptly. Please include the words “Privacy Policy” in the subject line of your message.
As a client or agency member, we will use your contact information, including name, address and email address, to send you updates about your contract, questionnaires to measure your satisfaction with our services, and announcements about new services. For your convenience, we save your billing information for recurrent payments, but we never use this information again without your permission.
We occasionally hire other companies to provide limited services on our behalf, including packaging, mailing and delivering products, answering customer questions about products or services, sending postal mail and processing event registration. We will only provide those companies the information they need to deliver the service, and they are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.
BDH Collective Inc. will disclose your personal information, without notice, only if required to do so by law or in good faith that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal proceedings served to BDH Collective Inc. or our website; (b) protect and defend the rights or property of BDH Collective Inc. and its affiliated websites, and, (c) act in urgent circumstances to protect the personal safety of our clients, agency members and employees of BDH Collective Inc., its websites, or the public.
BDH Collective Inc. strives to provide a comfortable, productive, legal and ethical work environment. To this end, the company wants you to bring any grievances you have about the workplace to the attention of your project manager and, if necessary, to BDH Collective’ upper management.
If you feel that there is inappropriate conduct or activity on the part of BDH Collective, management, its agency members, employees, vendors, customers, or any other persons or entities related to the company, we request that you bring this concern to the immediate attention of your project manager. Please try to approach your project manager at a time and place that will allow him/her to properly listen to your concerns.
If you have previously discussed this matter with your project manager and you do not believe that you have received a satisfying response, we encourage you to present your concerns to your project manager by email and copy upper management in the message (contact@backup-bdh). Please indicate what the problem is, identify the persons involved in the problem, and any solution you may suggest to the problem.
Contact upper management directly if you do not receive a satisfying response to your written complaint within 2 working days or if your project manager is at the centre of the problem.
If you consider the matter an emergency or a legal, ethical or safety issue, use your best judgment to expedite the complaint process. Upper management may meet with you in person, with you and your project manager or with both of you individually. If the matter is not resolved after that meeting and you believe the problem still deserves attention, we request that you immediately record your concerns in writing and bring the matter forward to the CEO, Bernardson Louis-Jean.
Our grievance procedures aim to maintain a positive work environment that upholds respect and responsibility towards each other. Our grievance procedures also aim to avoid unnecessary complaints, dismissals and legal proceedings. Nevertheless, BDH Collective cannot promise that your specific grievance or complaint will result in the action you requested or that you will be satisfied with the outcome once we address the grievance.
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