Social Services (Non-profit)

Project summary

After the Shield of Athena’s only service van was stolen – we worked on a traditional and social media crisis management plan (press releases, talking points, social media postings) that not only helped the Shield of Athena get a new van but also increased awareness for the Shield of Athena Family Services and various projects including their women and children’s (victims of domestic abuse) shelter and their second stage shelter.

Crisis Management and Public Relations Services

Protect Your Brand and Reputation


Crisis Communications Strategy:

We developed a comprehensive crisis communications strategy, including press releases, talking points, and social media postings, to effectively manage the media coverage surrounding the stolen van

Brand Management:

We managed the brand reputation of Shield of Athena Family Services, highlighting their various projects including their women and children’s shelter and second stage shelter, and increasing awareness of their services and mission

Social Media Management:

We monitor online conversations, to effectively communicate with their audience and manage their online reputation

Fundraising and Donations:

We leveraged the media attention to launch fundraising and donation campaigns, helping Shield of Athena Family Services get a new van and raise funds for their various projects and services

Crisis Management and Brand Awareness Solutions

Transform a crisis into a successful outcome.

Unleash Your Brand's Potential with BDH Collective

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